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Cuidado com esta ligação J1772 dos EUA

Enviado: 28 abr 2011, 09:49
por ruimegas
Cuidado com esta ligação J1772 dos EUA.

Parece que a ligação J1772 na foto (a de cima) não se consegue tirar porque o sistema de remoção não funciona adequadamente

"I strongly recommend that you AVOID any EVSE or connector cable that includes this connector for use with your LEAF. It will fit your charging port but may NOT release without the use of tools!

(The upper one with the grey plastic body and orange cable. The lower one in the picture is the Nissan supplied Level 1 unit. The difference is clear.)

When I plugged one into the port on my LEAF, I could not get it to release, no matter how hard I tried. And I TRIED. The problem was that the mechanical catch mechanism doesn't have enough range of motion to release from the LEAF port. It will click into place when inserted, but it won't move upward enough to release when you press the release button and pull back.

This took the better part of an hour and involved quite some anxiety and partially disassembling my pristine new LEAF.

To make matters worse, this connector has a hard plastic hood that covers the catch area and prevents the insertion of any tools to help pry it loose. (Fear not, it wasn't energized.)

The final solution was to remove the four bolts that hold the charging port to the LEAF body so that there was enough clearance to insert a tool. The successful tool turned out to be a right angle screwdriver.

Take home lesson: Every piece of equipment labeled J1772 may not work, or may not work with a LEAF, even if it works with another EV. Second lesson: Stick with the UL Approved equipment."

Em: http://www.mynissanleaf.com/viewtopic.p ... 84d7a6a0de

Re: Cuidado com esta ligação J1772 dos EUA

Enviado: 28 abr 2011, 11:05
por RJSC
Se a outra ficha não custar escandalosos 300 USD como a oficial eu comprava e tirava-lhe a patilha. Para carregar dento de uma garagem ninguém deve de andar aos puxões ao cabo...

Re: Cuidado com esta ligação J1772 dos EUA

Enviado: 28 abr 2011, 12:02
por CarlosOliveira
Pois, até porque é fechada com parafusos...